Investment Advice is not about equities, properties, term deposits or even personal insurance – it’s about the things they provide you.
Money that investments provide you may include:
– playing more golf and maybe even at different, amazing courses
– a sense of knowing you can pay your bills when they’re due, no matter what;
– helping your children into the share market or property market;
– knowing you can take a holiday when you want (don’t forget the clubs!);
– being able to help your family when they are finding it financially harder than you;
– paying for the education of a loved one, so they have the best potential for a happy life;
– buying those new clubs every fiver years or so;
– having the funds to upgrade the car every five years;
– working part-time or stopping altogether when you want to;
– paying for Aged Care when you or your parents are getting to that stage in life.
Your job is to help us understand why you need the money that you do and it’s our job to help you get it.
Feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions via
Super Caddie Financial Advice is a registered business name, owned wholly by King Of The Mountain Financial Advice Pty Ltd
Super Caddie Financial Advice is a subsidiary of King Of The Mountain Pty Ltd ABN 72 642 974 061 AFSL No. 524853.